About Me

I live in northeast Ohio, one township over from the one I grew up in; while I never planned on living and practicing ministry in my hometown, it’s been a tremendous joy. I enjoy reading, writing, cooking, and a good cup of coffee—but who doesn’t?

I met my wife, Stephanie, while in college—we were married in 2012. Steph works at our church as the Director of Discipleship. Some people have said they could never work with their spouse, but we’ve been doing this for four years and we have loved (almost) every minute of it. We have one son, Jack. His name means “the Lord graciously gives.” And so He does. We walked a long, difficult road of infertility and miscarriage to meet him.

Our passion in ministry is discipleship, helping people hear God’s voice and do what He says. We believe that if you make disciples, you’ll get the church—but if you build a church you won’t always get disciples. (Ironic, isn’t it?)

I graduated from Moody Bible Institute with a B.A. in Bible and Pastoral Studies and Wheaton College Graduate School with an M.A. in Christian Formation and Ministry. I also have an M.Div. from United Theological Seminary. What can I say? I like to learn.

I pastor Regeneration, the church Stephanie and I planted in 2014. Along the way, we’ve pastored other churches while also leading Regeneration, but these days it’s all Regen, all the time. (And it’s the very best thing!) I am a provisional elder in the East Ohio Conference of the United Methodist Church.

In 2012, I published my first (and, as of this moment) only book with my alma mater’s publishing wing: Unfriend Yourself: Three Days to Detox, Discern, and Decide about Social Media.